American Cancer Society Recommends E-Cigarettes For Smokers

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has updated its position on electronic cigarettes and in the process, exhibited the evolving nature of their evidence based recommendations. In stark contrast with their previously stated position on e-cigarettes, which was in opposition to their use since 2014, the ACS is now recommending that smokers be encouraged to use …

New Review Estimates E-Cigarettes To Be Around 95% Less Harmful Than Smoking

Public Health England (PHE) released the findings of an independent evidence review conducted by experts which found electronic cigarettes to be around 95 percent less harmful than conventional cigarettes. This latest review adds more weight to the argument that vaping is less harmful than smoking, which is a point that PHE seems intent on conveying …

NHS Health Scotland Recommends Vaping To Smokers Looking To Quit

Physician Recommendation

Health Scotland, part of the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), wrote in a recently released statement that “vaping e-cigarettes is definitely less harmful than smoking tobacco.” A conclusion that they reached based on current scientific evidence. “There is now agreement based on the current evidence that vaping e-cigarettes is definitely less harmful than smoking tobacco.” …