Vaping Stains Teeth, But To A Lesser Extent Than Smoking

Vapor And Smoke Stained Teeth

While prior research has shown that smoking cigarettes will stain your teeth, the findings of new study carried out by the research and development arm of British American Tobacco (BAT) appears to suggest that vaping will stain them too, just not as bad. For smokers worried about staining their teeth, this might just be one …

Glo Vape’s Impact On Airway Tissue Minimal Compared To Smoke, New Research Shows

A new study conducted by scientists at British American Tobacco has found vapor’s impact on human airway tissue to be minimal in comparison to the smoke produced a conventional cigarette — this in regards to the vapor produced by BAT’s Glo e-cigarette. Glo is a heat-not-burn (HNB) device that was first launched in Japan back …