Can A Vape Explode?

Vaper Empire E-Liquids

Can a vaporizer, commonly referred to as a vape for short, actually explode? That’s the question we’re going to address here today, but a better question, perhaps, is: can vape batteries explode?

Exploding Vape Batteries

The fact of the matter is that batteries can explode. That possibility is a real one. It has happened with smartphone batteries and laptop batteries alike, so why would vaporizers be any different? They wouldn’t be. They aren’t. They too have the potential to combust, which cause damage to both property and persons. In fact, they have exploded and according to data from the U.S. Fire Administration, which has been tracking alleged incidents of exploding vape batteries, such incidents are on the rise.

How Can You Protect Yourself?

The easiest way to protect yourself from the possibility of an exploding e-cig battery or vape battery is to not vape. For some, it sounds easier than it actually is. If this just isn’t a realistic possibility for you, we have another piece of advice: don’t fiddle with your vape. According to the American Vaping Association (AMA), a number of exploding vape batteries can be attributed to user tampering or modification. In other words, modifying your vape might not be wise, especially if you’re concerned with the possibility of having your battery explode.

If you’re an electrical engineer with an intimate understanding of how vapes work, perhaps your risk of mishandling your vape while customizing it is minimal. But for the rest of us, it might be best to avoid such attempts to customize one’s vaporizer.

At the least, you may want to store your vape and its battery somewhere safe while it’s not in use, such as a fireproof safe or similar.

Are Batteries Safe?

Lithium-ion batteries, which are commonly used by vape manufacturers to power their vaporizers, are inherently dangerous. A faulty Li-ion battery can explode. As with many things in life, there is an associated risk, however, the risk of your vape battery exploding is actually fairly low. But in the end, when you vape, you do so at your own risk.

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