Does Vaping Really Save Money?

Vaper Empire E-Liquids

Depending on how you do it, the short is answer is yes – vaping really does save you money. This is, of course, in comparison to smoking.

While we ran the numbers before, we’ll explain quickly how the costs break down between the two.

For smoking, you have a daily cost incurred. At a pack a day purchased at $7.50 a pack, your annual cost of smoking runs over $2,700. That’s a lot of money to do just about anything else with each year. For those who would rather vape instead–which, you wouldn’t be dumb to based on the growing body of scientific evidence to support vaping instead of smoking–the cost savings are substantial.

If you vape Blu’s reusable e-cigs, which we use as example because some of us at Vaporizer Wire use exactly that, and you buy two of them so you always have a charged one to use while the other is on the charger. You’re looking at an initial cost of roughly $24 for the two. Each comes with one cartridge, which is what you’ll be replacing often throughout your journey. Each cartridge allegedly has the same amount of nicotine as a regular pack of cigarettes. So if you smoked a pack a day and you’re vaping one cartridge a day instead, your annual cost is going to run just over $1,800.

Comparing the two, you would save around $900 a year if you switched to vaping instead. Of course, you can always get this cost lower by using refillable cartridges, which you can get all over the place these days – at local vape shops and online stores alike. Then you can buy your own e-juice, separately and for cheap, and use that instead of the prefilled one-time-use cartridges that Blu sells for their reusable e-cig. And as reference, for those that don’t know, there’s also the option of using a different vaporizer entirely, as many prefer vape mods and pens to e-cigs.

Our final consensus on the matter? Vaping is definitely less expensive than smoking. And this isn’t even when you take into account the potential cost of medical bills incurred as a result of smoking. So if you’re thinking of vaping instead of smoking, do yourself a favor and follow through with it. Your wallet and your lungs will thank you later.

After reading all this, some of you might be thinking something along the lines of, “Well that’s all great but it doesn’t quite answer my question…” Of which, some of you are almost certainly wondering how this question of whether or not vaping saves money pertains to the world of dry herb vaporizers, otherwise known as herbal vaporizers.

For herbal vapes–which, unlike e-cigs, are designed for dry herbs, not liquids–the answer is basically the same, only the math is a bit different. While we could get into the economics of it all, we’ll summarize instead.

When vaping dry herbs, your herbs will go further and last longer with a vape than they will with traditional smoking products. That said, if you want to make the most of your herbs, use a vaporizer instead of a combustion device as vaping is simply more efficient than the alternative.

Also, when you’re done, the discolored material left behind can be pushed through an extraction process that allows for it to be easily reused. For instance, it can be turned into butter for use in cooking or even wax and oil for use in a vape. This ability to recycle the vaped leftovers makes it that much more efficient, but even without all this, the reality is plain: vaping is cheaper than smoking.

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