How Do I Get The Burnt Taste Out Of My Vape?

Vaper Empire E-Liquids

If your vape tastes burnt, here’s what you can do about it.

To remove the burnt taste from your vape, you must first determine what exactly is causing it. In order to do so, run through these common causes below until you’ve managed to determine what exactly is causing your vape to taste burnt.

Burnt Coils

There’s a chance your coil might be burnt. The simple solution here is to install a new one. If that doesn’t do the trick, try taking a look at how you prime your coil heads and comparing it to how we suggest you go about it.

Priming Your Coil

Priming your coil is pretty easy. You basically just install a fresh coil, drop some e-juice on the wick holes and then install a tank full of juice and let it sit for about half an hour before using. This will give it plenty of time to soak and wick up all that e-juice before you rip it.

Check The Watts

If you’re vaping at too high of a wattage, you can burn your coils. To avoid this, turn the wattage. If you determine this to be the cause of that burnt taste you’re experiencing when you vape, you can slowly crank up the wattage to see just how far you can go before it starts to taste burnt.

If you can’t control your wattage, you may want to consider picking up a vape that can.

VG/PG Ratio

If your e-juice blend has too much VG in it, it might be too thick for your vape to properly vaporize. If that’s the case, try using a blend with less VG and more PG.

Excessive Cotton

Try not to use too much cotton. If you’ve checked off the other items on this list, it might be time to take a look at how much cotton you’re using and consider scaling things back a bit until you can figure out just what’s causing that burnt taste.

Coil Hotspots

There’s a chance that the coil or coils that you’re using have hotspots in them. If that’s the case, you can try fixing it or simply install another coil.

Too Cold

If you live somewhere cold or you’re simply in a cold room, there’s a chance your e-juice is getting too thick to properly wick up into the coil. If that’s the case, try staying out of the cold or at least keep your vape somewhere with a more moderate temperature.

Chill Between Puffs

Some vapers, especially heavy users and chain-users, don’t allow for enough time between puffs. This can cause burnt hits. If this is what you’re doing, slow down. Simple as that. Take a puff and then relax. Don’t go too fast.

Have your own tips, tricks, and solutions for burnt vape hits? Share them in the comments section below.

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