How To Check The DaVinci IQ’s Vaping Temperature While Operating In Smart Path Mode

Vaper Empire E-Liquids

When it comes to using the DaVinci IQ, the process can be relatively straightforward, especially for those who have used similar devices in the past. But for those who are taking their first puffs of a portable vaporizer designed for dry herbs, many questions can arise, such as: how do I check the temperature while in Smart Path mode? For the answer, continue reading.

Before we explain exactly how to check the temperature while in Smart Path mode, we’re going to explain what Smart Path is for those of you who don’t already know.

Smart Path Mode Explained

While many modern vapes have variable voltage and multiple temperature settings, there are few that allow for the internal vaping temperature to be customized to the extent that the IQ allows. With Smart Path, users have the ability to fully customize their sessions, determining beforehand just how long the vaporizer will hold certain temperatures before adjusting.

For instance, users can tell the vape to first heat up to 390 degrees Fahrenheit, hold it there for a minute, and then move it up to 420 degrees Fahrenheit, holding it there for two minutes. This allows for a wide range of customization with the goal of the perfect session in mind. And with the vape’s app, it’s relatively easy to setup and adjust.

There are also Smart Path presets, of which there are four preprogrammed into the vaporizer. These, of course, can be adjusted/edited to fit the user’s preference.

Checking The Temperature In Smart Path Mode

Once the vape is running Smart Path mode, heating up to the desired temperatures and holding them for the specified amounts of time, some users may find themselves wondering just what temperature they’re currently at. To answer that question, simply press the control button once. There’s all there is to it. And then press either the up or down buttons to switch back to Smart Path.

Users can also check the battery status at any time by pressing the up and down buttons at the same time.

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