PC Magazine Review Rates The DaVinci IQ An ‘Excellent’ Vaporizer

Vaper Empire E-Liquids

While PC Magazine is primarily geared towards, you guessed it, computers, they also review gadgets of various sorts, including herbal vaporizers like the DaVinci IQ. So what does PC Magazine think of the IQ? Read on to find out.

DaVinci IQ Vape
This is the DaVinci IQ, a portable vaporizer designed for loose-leaf blends. (Credit: DaVinci)

PC Magazine’s Will Greenwald got his hands on the IQ and in short, he rated it 4/5, awarding it the title of “EXCELLENT.”


Under the pros section of his review, Mr. Greenwald noted that it has a simple, yet functional design, an easy to read display, and good performance when it comes to what perhaps matters most to vapers: vaporization. So it vapes well and it’s easy to use. Sounds good, right? But then there’s the downside.


The downside with the IQ, by Greenwald’s account, is that it has an unstable app and that it can’t use concentrates. However, Greenwald’s review was published late last year, in December of 2017, giving DaVinci plenty of time to work out some of the kinks in their app. Notably, at the time of Greenwald’s review for PC Magazine, the DaVinci IQ app was still in a testing stage of its development. But as for the concentrates, Greenwald’s not necessarily entirely correct. We’ll explain.

When it comes to concentrates, DaVinci’s official stance is that the IQ is not designed to support them. It’s strictly a dry herb vaporizer and that’s that. However, if you look at what some of its users have to say, it can allegedly be used with some forms of concentrates, particularly those of the thick and sticky variety, but not anything that’ll liquefy when heated or that is already in a liquid state. But doing so, vaping concentrates with the IQ, may very well void one’s warranty, which is perhaps reason enough to take DaVinci at their word when they say that it’s not designed to support concentrates, just dry herbs.


The bottom line in PC Magazine’s review of the DaVinci IQ vaporizer is that it’s unassuming, powerful, easy to use, and controllable via its smartphone app. In other words, it’s good — or as Greenwald puts it in his review, it’s “EXCELLENT.”

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