Engadget Reviewer Calls Puffco Peak ‘My New Favorite Thing’

Vaper Empire E-Liquids

Puffco Peak is a relatively new portable vaporizer that describes itself as the “first-ever smart rig” and at roughly $380, it better be pretty darn smart. By Engadget reviewer Andrew Tarantola’s account, it’s exactly that – or as he described it in his review, it’s a “quick hit of concentrated genius.”

Puffco Peak Vaporizer
This is the Puffco Peak, a portable e-Rig designed to intelligently vaporize dabs without the use of a torch. (Credit: Puffco)

“The Puffco Peak vaporizer is a quick hit of a concentrated genius.”

Note: The quote above is actually the title of Tarantola’s Puffco Peak review on the Engadget website.

The Peak

While the Puffco Peak is technically a portable vaporizer as we mentioned above, it’s roughly the size of a water bottle, making it one of the larger portables on the market today. But this isn’t your standard portable vaporizer as the Peak is actually a portable e-Rig, which is to say that it’s designed to vaporize dabs without the need for a torch.

Peaks offer four unique heat settings for users to choose from, each of which correlates with a different color code that allows users to know exactly which temperature setting they’re on with a quick glance. The four temperature settings and their corresponding colors are as follows:

  • 450°F = Blue
  • 500°F = Green
  • 550°F = Red
  • 600°F = White

While this range might seem high to some vapers, the type of extracts that it’s designed for are generally much cleaner (in a sense) than standard dry herbs as they’ve undergone an extraction process that removes excess plant material, leaving behind just the goodies that herb vapers are after.

According to vape manufacturer Dr. Dabber, who makes their own portable e-Rig known as the Boost, portable e-Rigs can allow dabbers to heat their concentrates to ideal temperatures, releasing their potent ingredients while retaining more of their flavor. Thus making e-Rigs superior to traditional dab rigs.

As for the heat up time, the Peak vaporizer heats up in about 20 seconds, according to its manufacturer, Puffco. This is notably faster than traditional dab rigs, which typically take around 3 minutes to prepare through a process of heating and cooling. Subsequently, this means less waiting and more time consuming.

As for battery life and charging, when fully charged, the Peak vape is capable of providing roughly 30 dabs before it needs to be recharged and when it comes to recharge, it takes just 2 hours to go from depleted to fully charged.


Through a combination of haptic feedback and software designed to automatically adjust heat times when the bowl is still hot, the Puffco Peak is able to make intelligent adjustments that, according to Puffco, help ensure that the timing of users is “spot on” and that they’re getting “the perfect hit” while simultaneously maintaining a consist experience across sessions, both fresh and consecutive.

“The smartware automatically adjusts heat times if your bowl is still hot. This provides a more consistent experience during repeated use and sesh-mode (…) Haptic feedback keeps your timing spot on so you’re getting the perfect hit.”

Adding to its sophistication, the Peak will vibrate/buzz to indicate that it’s ready for use. This way, you don’t have to wait around staring at it while you wait for the display to let you know it’s ready because you’ll likely hear it rattling on the surface you plant on as it vibrates to let you know that it’s heated up to the desired temperature and ready for use.

The Review

Back to Engadget’s Puffco Peak review, Mr. Tarantola claimed after testing it with a variety of concentrates ranging from wax to shatter that it’s “more affordable than the Herbalizer, more versatile than the Volcano, and requires a fraction of the setup time that the herbalAires demand.” Adding that the best part is that it “offers virtually zero opportunity to spill its concentrate cargo” thanks to its stable design, which makes it difficult to accidentally knock over. His only real complaint seems to be that it doesn’t offer the pass-through charging technology that would otherwise allow vapers to use it while it’s plugged in and charging.

You can buy the Puffco Peak, which is made in part from hand-blown glass, directly from its manufacturer via their online store for roughly $380 (USD).

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